For a while now, we have been in the age of the customer supplied materials and information. From shopping bags to product images and from item descriptions to performance ratings – retailers and service providers alike need to decide – is that enough?
Do you trust your customers, not just your most loyal patrons, but ALL customers – to share their thoughts, perspective and interpretation of your rental home, your lunch menu, concierge services or your fall clothing line with your potential customers?
- Your site says fits 17. That one says 23 plus or minus adults, another says 25 or so.
- Homemade barbecue sauce, sweet with a hint of orange vs. another that says reminiscent of brown maple sugar.
- This sizing chart says XS to L another says sized 00/0/1/2 what about petite or tall? Fits “true to size” (as in Lands End, Wrangler or Talbots?)
What’s right? Who is accurate? Which site is most reliable?
Is there anything you can do about it?
Yes. There is.
Go out there, take your own pictures. Create your own descriptions. Add commentary about functionality, the value of one item over another (less expensive “disposable” to more costly and durable.) Don’t depend on customer supplied information…it’s just not worth it. Be the loudest voice to start…generate credibility and then, live up to it and earn it – become the best resource for your customers, first.
~ Dawn aka Hat Girl