I love to see all of the Halloween’s costumes, but even more so the most clever re-creation of ourselves each year.
So far, for the adults – Jon Cohen. His “hot stuff” Mr. Siracha Sauce was indeed unique and not too complicated. The family of Supers were also quite a good idea with Dad as Clark Kent complete with suit and dark rimmed glasses (just a hint of Superman below the tie and dress shirt), Mom as Lois Lane (far prettier than our generation’s movie heroine Margot Kidder) and their “kids” aka Super Girl, Bat Girl and Robin.
We’ve had our share of clever ideas at our former, annual Halloween party. The Breakfast Club crew, Tanya as the auto accident victim, Mike as Speed Racer and Jen & Scott as Ross Perot’s ears. So many to mention, I can’t share them all – but what memories we have! (I think we still have the black plastic spider confetti from the spider bite victim…)
It is always fun to dress up and pretend…for one day a year – but maybe tomorrow, we can think about what we really want to be when we are creating ourselves. Too many don’t become who they want to be – but if they did – what would the world actually become?
~ Dawn aka Hat Girl