Lots of things are best learned early – before you are set in your ways…but there is always hope for someone who is determined to try something new.
- Are you too old to learn how to do a cartwheel at 16? (Maybe tennis would be better, but you really want to do a cartwheel and do it well!)
- Deciding to travel at 45 and thinking it might be good to learn the language first? (Olympiads all learned Chinese – compliments of the Rosetta Stone software. Younger than 45 – most of them – does that give them a better chance?)
- At 89 are you too set in your ways to eat healthier? (or does it even matter at that point – you’ve lived that long and who cares now?)
- Too old to learn the piano at 10? (Youngest daughter just decided to play it tonight choosing her first song to be learned: “Do You Hear The People Sing?”)
Are you determined to try something and become excellent? Who cares if it is best learned early on in life? Decide now. Pick up that sheet music and sit down to plunk it out. (I hear that people are often willing to give away a piano that they thought their kids would LOVE but is now just taking up space that is ideal for a chaise in their living room…)
~ Dawn aka Hat Girl