When I think about how many new things get invented, because of one device (or family of devices) I am constantly amazed. Whole new industries pop up because of this one thing that someone, somewhere created and became popular in the mass market.
My kids have at least one pair (so do I) of eTip or so called smart gloves so that they can use their phone or their iPad while staying warm. Yes, some are better than others and perform as if you were using your bare, albeit freezing fingers… but even slightly degraded performance is better than creating icicles of your glove-less fingers on our cold winter mornings.
How did the material become available? Was it something that someone just noticed one day? Hey, this allows me to still use my smart phone/touch screen! Or, did someone set out to solve a problem? (A solution far better than going “old school” and simply chopping off the finger tips of their gloves like the newspaper guys on the streets in NYC.)
The coordinating / supplementary product market is not to be ignored.
Ok, so you didn’t invent the smart phone or the insert name of mass produced product here: _______________. However, because of that one thing…you could invent something that makes it work better in everyday life.
Go. Create. Enjoy.
Make our lives better. We’ll support your creation.
~ Dawn aka Hat Girl