An Extra Day

Sometimes you have the feeling that you were given (or found) an extra day to do the things on your list. To work on your goals (little or huge).

Maybe you have been waking up early a few days in a row and that time really adds up. Since your end of day sleep schedule is a hard habit to break, you don’t go to bed earlier…and voila – Motuwe is the name I will give this day. You can also name it something else, like Tuweth, but this week, it is that other name. (I could also call it insomnia, or thoughts racing through my head…but let’s not get too far into that little fun fact.)

Perhaps plans for the weekend or a project meeting – locking up an entire day – got cancelled. Sure, you will still have to figure out some time in the future to make it work but this week…wow, 24 to 48 hours to do whatever you want! Amazing. Get out the list. You have things to do!

Then again, life “stuff” always can come at you out of the blue. Rush to do this, complete this deadline, apply for college and financial aid. (No, not mentioning these things for any particular reason…nope not even a little bit.)

This is when you need an extra day. So, when the week’s activities overlap and the stars align – you are set. No problems. It is the other times when you just want the world to stop. Freeze. Just to give you that breathing room you might want to have. No matter what, it will all get done. Or, it won’t. Or, it will get done, but it will be done later than you had hoped. My advice? Hang in there. You’ve got this. Time never stands still (so don’t count on it happening) and neither should you.

~ Dawn aka Hat Girl

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