You might not think that advice from your elders is (always) helpful…
but, it is usually quite “spot on” in spite of how annoying that it is true.
- Say please and thank you.
- Listen more than you talk.
- Hold the door for the person behind you.
- Shake hands with people you are introduced to at work, at an event or in a friendly setting (not necessary for doing so with random people on the street, however.)
- Send thank you notes (hmmm, that reminds me, I have to write a couple.)
- Invite friends to dinner and be sure to show up early and stay late.
- Have new people join the group to keep it fresh.
- Read more than you think you have time to do.
- Take time for yourself.
- Don’t “hide your light under a bushel basket” (my Nana grew up on a farm, but that’s not where she heard it first.)
- You can do anything you set your mind to do.
- Try something before you shake salt on it.
- You can be anything you want to be.
- Offer to help and be specific with what you can handle, want to do and have the time to do when it is needed.
- Eat breakfast every day. (I don’t always follow this…)
I am sure that you have other ideas and topics you can think of right away – but these are just a few that are worth sharing – even if I have shared before.
In addition, you would not think that advice from your elders would be from your siblings who are just a few years older. But, still – be sure to follow their lead and guidance – it is worth more than you would think.
~ Dawn aka Hat Girl