Even though things may be uncertain, you should occasionally splurge a little. It is important, more than ever, to recognize events in your life and in the lives of others.
Spring time for our family is a busy time.
Besides school events, concerts and spring break, we celebrate all of our birthdays, our anniversary and of course, lots of holidays.
The earth finding it’s greenery and sprouts popping up all coincide to make us happy and ready to have fun.
Being stuck at home, with limits on what you can order because of higher demand and priorities on shipping essentials, gift giving and recognition is tough. Plus, all of the experiential things we would do are, well, closed.
That said, sometimes the littlest things, like ordering out breakfast in the middle of the week, having nachos for dinner or (gasp…mom, you didn’t read this) eating in the living room while watching a movie.
Enjoying these times together as a family, while we splurge a little, are ways we can make life different and just a bit more special. At least, more so than any other routine day quarantined on a “stay home” order.
~ Dawn aka Hat Girl
PS I am trying to plan ahead for birthday gifts for the kids, wasn’t prepared the first round, but getting better at logistics and advanced purchases.