Solo Traveler

I don’t think that I would be very good as a solo traveler on a regular basis…I mean I will do it but prefer not to if other wise able to have someone join me on the journey.

Not that I doubt this. It just occurred to me.

It was the cup that said it all.

The hotel coffee was probably okay, but the fake cold creamer (shelf stable, I know the brand) made it quite off-putting.

So. I ventured out. Still early, but later than usual and the coffee shop was still closed.

14 minutes I had to wait.

Others didn’t. (I guess I was a bit more desperate.)

Because, you see, I am the luckiest girl in the world.

He makes my coffee every single day.

But this morning, in my hotel room, just me (and my average cup of coffee) I noticed that it was reminding me. Solo traveler. Right there on the lid. (As if I wasn’t already fully aware of being alone in a city of 8.1 million others.)

~ Dawn aka Hat Girl

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