You may think it is a small, snow inconvenience…but it is much more than that.
- Shoveling.
- Deicing.
- Shoveling again.
- Finding parking on the street.
- Dealing with traffic.
- School delays.
- Chunks of snow melt or salt stuck in your boots.
- Salty, road gunk on your car, making the windshield hard to see through.
- Wet shoes, because you didn’t know it was going to snow and you didn’t carry boots out with you.
- Wearing crazy amounts of layers, with clothes and accessories you’d rather not wear.
That is nothing compared to the problems you have with your little dog who won’t go out in the snow… or the cat who takes one step and then shakes off each paw before putting down the next.
There you are, waiting for them, the door half closed to keep out the cold, but not nearly enough heat coming out to keep you warm.
Don’t even get me started on the other pets you might have that you also allow outside – the petite pigs and the ferrets and the rabbits, too.
To us, it is just a little snow inconvenience, to them, it is everything and more that they do not understand. Especially the scarf you know will keep them warm…
~ Dawn aka Hat Girl