Do you OOO?

Years ago, did anyone even know what that meant?

I mean, really.

Someone asked me what AKA meant the other day, but in their defense, they are not a native English speaker.

All the time, you have to figure out what things mean.

For example, should you say, “EG” or “IE”? they are different and I used to use one of them, (incorrectly) when I totally meant the other.

Even OGM is not a well known acronym. (Maybe it was, but not anymore.)

So, if you are leaving to go away, definitely set up OOO and maybe, if you are so inclined (and you have an office voicemail a temporary OGM) be bold and tell them, “I am away and won’t be checking messages. Contact me again with your request after XYZ date.” (I am not quite there, yet. But thinking about it.)

~ Dawn aka Hat Girl

PS Happy Easter. Happy Passover. Wear a hat for the holiday, you will be totally happy you did.

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