No matter when we can get out of here, let’s make plans to celebrate being able to see each other.
- In person.
- Close to each other.
- Eating at the same table.
- Sharing a basket of freshly baked bread.
- Lingering, lounging and laughing until we are too tired to talk anymore.
With all of our birthdays happening during “lock down” it is one level of disappointment after another.
So, no matter how long it takes, let’s make plans to make it worth waiting for later. It’s the kids who matter the most; I mean, we adults could take a birthday or leave it. For them, though, each one is still full of a level of achievement, one milestone or another and there is only so much celebrating with family that you can take. That said, celebrating your birthday alone is not acceptable either. So, for now, we have to come to an acceptable middle ground and just make it work.
~ Dawn aka Hat Girl