Spend the evenings just chillin with the fam, friends and colleagues.
Chat about work.
Talk about what you did this summer.
Make plans for next week, next month, and next quarter.
Share some yummy food and refreshing beverages.
Swap recipes.
Tag them on Social.
Ask about how they are…really, how they are doing. Find out more details and be ready to lift their spirits or reinforce they’re awesome at what they do.
You never know how much a single moment of connectivity can help.
Brighten the day.
Make them feel loved.
Boost their ego and (or) their belief that they can do great things.
We are all just here for a short time and can do more good things than we have done so far. Rebuild your energy, focus and attention to these things…especially when you share moments just chillin on a weekend.
~ Dawn aka Hat Girl