Who in the world would ever think of certain activities, completely suitable for this time of year, that combine psychology and heuristics to create festive behavior…
but it just might work.
- The Grinch would be a perfect candidate.
- So would Ebenezer Scrooge (and his Disney name sake, Scrooge McDuck).
- Perhaps also, the person who grumbles at every twist and turn through the holidays. The one who is heard complaining about the rain, the cold, the lack of sales, the out of stock conditions or the cranky check out person.
Um. Maybe look in the mirror.
I mean, in my experience, the clerk usually projects back what is given to them…if you are scowling, unhappy and frustrated, they will send that right back at you.
Instead, if you dish out happy, smiling, sing-songy cheer whether loud enough for one, or all of those around you to hear…
You are certain to receive it right back.
Just try it. Even if you don’t know what the word heuristic means. (I am taking some liberties with the purest of definition, but thought it could easily apply to this time of year.)
So, go for it…just try employing heuristics to create festive environments everywhere you go, and you are sure to be in very good places, and in very good spirits.
~ Dawn aka Hat Girl