Go As You Are

No matter what the circumstances…it is best to go as you are.

  • Right after work; yes, even in your work clothes. Better to show up than not go.
  • Late to the vacation; yes, even if you forgot there might be swimming. Do you even swim anymore, if not, don’t go back for your suit.
  • Changed 3 times already; nothing seems to be right. Just pick your best little black dress and add your favorite necklace, the one that means the most to you – just touch it if things seem to be out of control, it will be fine.
  • Don’t know the language; someone will be patient with you while you look up the right phrase…yes, even if you mispronounce it – as long as you try and apologize for not speaking the language.
  • Your climbing shoes don’t fit anymore and you think your harness is a bit frayed; they have rentals – and you can probably just wear your yoga sneakers.

Pretty much, no matter what, other than on Halloween, or a mandatory costume party (for a work event or a wedding,) just go as you are and you can trust that it will be the best option. Showing up is way more than half of the requirement to being there.

~ Dawn aka Hat Girl

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