Days Like These

On days like these, forget the car, go get a pick up truck and a snow plow! (Or, you can have the pick up truck without a plow, just plan to commit to a season of plowing from someone who can’t do anything else today since no one else is on the road.)

Actually, I think that a Bob Cat would be more fun, than a plow. Those things can be as expensive as a car so you have to really want one – or know you are going to use it often enough – to justify the cost. The dealers who sell them probably have a lot of fun at their work. They get to share the fun of being a kid in a sandbox with the adults who want to keep that mindset through out their life… at least, that’s the way I want to think of them; having fun and enjoying life every day.

I write about doing what you like and having fun, enjoying what you do for work. I do enjoy my work-from-home-days, especially days like these when I can choose to walk to the coffee house for brunch, or just stay inside, watch the plow clear the driveway and get something done in spite of the cold and falling snow.

~ Dawn aka Hat Girl

Snow Day view from the Coffee House

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