Because a Guy

Just because a guy, named Benjamin Franklin, thought that it would help farmers, we are exhausted for about a week. Daylight Savings is something that I could do with out.

So can the kids.

You know that the standardized tests – at least for the last 5 or so years – have fallen on or about the week after we change the clocks. The week after we lose an hour and struggle to wake up, in spite of the morning sun coming in the window.

In spite of my better judgement, I try to get ahead of it. Mid-day on Saturday I start to think about dinner earlier, we watch a movie and get cozy. Then, I secretly change the clocks. I can’t change the ones on the box for the cable, but fortunately, we have that in the other room.

We cannot, however, control our internal body clock. You know why? Well, because a guy (male or female – the a gender neutral term preferred since “gal” is just a stupid, uncool name) hasn’t invented that feature yet. Don’t worry, they are working on it. Maybe it will be available by the time they adopt not changing the clocks back and forth in honor of good ole Ben and DST.

~ Dawn aka Hat Girl

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