While BeyoncĂ© may have said it with the most amount of style and panache, moms around the world would argue they said it first and just as loudly. All the single ladies of the world should be given what they want, never having to ask. No, I am not talking about a ring – I am talking about respect.
Single, divorced, widowed – each of you are strong and powerful in every day life.
Not married, maybe seeking love or wanting to be on your own; reaching toward your goals of being a designer, an engineer, a teacher, a lawyer, a doctor, a manager, a writer, a retail employee smiling at each customer. In many cases each of you will be a contributor to someone else’s business – you matter, you make a difference and you most certainly wield power.
If you’re divorced – especially with kids – you make up their entire world when they are with you and maybe when they’re not. You ensure that they have the best of two parents…even when you’re just one-half. Even more powerful is when you share them – as hard as that is – with their dad (and his new family, perhaps) making sure to encourage them to love their dad just as much as you would if you were all still together. Use the strength you have to get through those days, make the most of them – to recharge, re-energize and be 100% there for them when they come home to you.
Widows… You deserve a whole special week of blogs…what can I say other than I can’t imagine what you go through every day. I can’t possibly imagine what your life is like – with or without children… I’m assuming you lost the love of your life long before you were ready to say goodbye. Every day you wonder “what if” and there are no answers, no solace and no going back to yesterday – but you take another step forward, you wake up and get out of bed and you laugh and you smile and maybe through the tears, you look forward to loving someone else as fiercely as you did your spouse. Finding a new future – finding a second chance at love.
For all of you, all the single ladies in one form or another, be proud of yourselves, do what you want to do and make sure that you never compromise to be someone you’re not, just because you think that society around you thinks you need – or want – a ring that you can live without. Have a little bit more respect for yourself and know that you have the power within you to get every bit of what you definitely deserve.
~ Dawn aka Hat Girl
PS it’s ok to sing it now. I know you want to – out loud in or out of key. Oh, oh, oh…