A Proper Thank You

I used to be the perfect gift recipient, with a proper thank you card written out for each and every gift receiving occasion. I went so far as to clearly document gifts to my kids, and have – in my day – written out countless appreciations for my kid’s birthday, Christmas and religious occasions gifts. At some point, some where in my past, I fell out of the habit. Maybe it was around the time that I thought they should write their own… but that does not excuse me failing on my own behalf.

Keeping that in mind, I do not judge others who don’t write a card. I get it. Really I do.

Of course, I do appreciate receiving a thank you card. I do, indeed, very much.

What I think is completely amazing is the thank you card that came to my son the other day. For having his birthday at the go kart place. So, he’s 13. He liked getting real mail. (Kids – and adults – still like getting real mail, you know, the kind that isn’t marketing or saying you owe a payment.) As much as he liked getting a hand-addressed envelope, in his name, he wasn’t too excited about the contents of the card. Nor should he have been.

  1. The Go Kart party was a big part of his birthday gift – the experience was everything compared to a card reminding him about it.
  2. He didn’t pay for it; and let me just tell you know a little secret. It was far more than other birthday parties and for far less kids, too.
  3. It didn’t give him anything else that he didn’t already have…he already had a good time.

So, while it was a proper thank you, it could have gone just one, little step further. (It’s their business to get repeat customer’s right?) It could have said “Thank you very much…” blah blah blah… and “Hey birthday boy, here’s a free “bonus” race just for you! See you soon!!” (Fine print: You must buy 2 races to enjoy the bonus race. So, mom, when are you bringing him back here again?) He would have said, “Yea mom, when can we go?

~ Dawn aka Hat Girl


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