A Pair or a Match?

Who ever invented the totally appropriate – and available to buy – mismatched socks is genius. Is it just a pair or a match if they are the same? Not any more.

Thank you, say parents everywhere… and to the little girl or boy who wore them and inspired their parent to create a brand and a trend – kudos to you, too.

What trend will you or your kids start that create a movement? Be inspired, capture a loyal following that stimulates the idea for a retail chain that makes gobs of money – for example, from parents who can’t seem to match the unmatchable.

That is a solution that you didn’t think was possible… right? Well, open your mind and let the idea flow. Go… go… I am waiting and so are the others – you will find the support you need, because you will give us something in return. Oh, and thank you in advance.

~ Dawn aka Hat Girl (not sock girl)

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