The Environment Matters

Working on a task can vary greatly when the conditions are unique, and certainly, the environment matters. Some, moreso than others, but they all can impact the level of stress you experience.

In space…no gravity, you have to be methodical about your movements, not just the tools you choose to use. You breathe, drink and eat differently, but if trained, you can do it.

On a boat…the motion of the waves can move you at a different speed and of course, the salt water can make it slippery. You can “get your sea legs” by learning how to stand, walk and climb ladders differently.

At high altitudes…the lack of oxygen can cause you to tire easily and get lightheaded. Cakes bake faster, but they turn out okay if you raise the temp and modify some of the ingredients.

In a kitchen…wet floors are dangerous, as are knives, hot pans and burners. People coming up behind you announce their presence, it is one of the first lessons taught.

At the home office…choose the right chair, adjust the lighting, take breaks, and do your best to treat it like the work it is. It isn’t easy, but probably within your ability to do it well.

In all of these scenarios, the best ways to be safe, effective and stress free are all part of the learning process. Mistakes you make might have a big or small impact, so you have to be careful, thoughtful and mindful.

Not everything is rocket science, risky or dangerous; but it is all important if it is worth doing.

You can adapt, learn and grow. Yes, the environment matters, but the time you take to learn and perfect your role matters more. Dedicate yourself to do it right, follow the rules and adapt as you become an expert to make things even better…then move on to the next big thing.

~ Dawn aka Hat Girl

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