New Happy Day

May you enjoy a new happy day, when you want…

  • Tomorrow?
  • Next week?
  • Maybe in a month or two?

…why not every day?

I have thought a lot about this blog post, the one for New Year’s Eve 2020 – you know, the one where we are going into the brilliant bright clean and shiny new year of 2021.

I can’t quite express all of the things that this day means, but I know that this year, more than ever it feels more like any day.

I hope that we make it into what we want, the hope, the anticipation, the gathering of friends and family. Saying goodbye to something we no longer need or want, and at the same time hello to something else.

The calendar flip is man-made, by math and science as a way to measure history. But life is made up of love and friendship, hopes and dreams, heart and soul – doing the hard work – taking breaks when needed.

Maybe, just maybe we don’t want to measure for a bit and just linger over the days and hours that we have at hand. Making the most of each of them.




To be fair, this year, has actually been better in so many ways than others. I know that people suffered, had great sadness and experienced losses that are immeasurable.

  • I see that.
  • I empathize with it.
  • I experienced it, too.

But, that said, 2020 has been good in so many ways that overshadow the parts that were terrible, horrible and overall no good.

  • We have learned so much.
  • We have spent time with family.
  • We have done good things for others.

Tomorrow may bring us a new happy day, or it may be rainy, cold and miserable. For now at least, I will celebrate the wins, whether big or small and set aside the losses, pushing them behind me as inspiration. They are an even bigger reason to make tomorrow the happiest, least stressful and love-filled day that it can be. Happy New Year to you and yours. May it turn out the way you want.

~ Dawn aka Hat Girl

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