Movies You Watch

The movies you watch are nothing compared to the television series you succumb to when there’s nothing to do.

I mean, there’s lots to do, but pulling weeds isn’t high on my list of fun things to do instead of becoming a couch potato.

Especially when the area is having a heat wave and the humidity is off the charts, too.

(Or, someone posts on LinkedIn a list of top movies and shows to watch…)

So, while you are stuck at home and bored beyond belief – and you’ve already spent springtime baking as much banana bread as you possibly can eat, store in your freezer or share with neighbors – choose something else to do instead.

Become inspired.

What will you to do next?

  • Write a book
  • Reinvent restaurant dining in as we no longer (currently) can
  • Prove that statistics are the answer
  • Solve a problem
  • Help someone become better

Choose wisely.

A movie or show can inspire.

It depends of course.

Instead of putting you to sleep – or making you cringe at the dialogue or the plot twists and shark jumping – and generally being so very bad, if you really want to make a difference, make sure that the movies you watch (or the shows you binge) are well worth your time.

~ Dawn aka Hat Girl

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