It’s Not Your Fault

Even when you try to help them, you give them the best advice you can…it’s not your fault when they make their own decisions.

Consulting is a very interesting practice. You have a lot of relevant experience. You have opinions, some stronger than others…you also have a very unique perspective – you do not have 100% of the consequences.

You can share your information, guidance and advice – but, even though they pay you for your opinion – they do not have to listen to you.

The client, like your children, are enabled to make their own, adult and business owner decisions.

You can try to help. You can plead with them. You can argue even.

You can model it out. You can give them a forecast. You can share war stories (anonymous and names changed to protect the innocent, of course.)

But, in the end, as long as you shared as much as you can share… it’s not your fault when things don’t work out for the better.  Accidents happen. Mistakes will be made. It is part of the learning curve, the entrepreneur’s plight; and, in the end they are responsible for their own actions.

~ Dawn aka Hat Girl

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