Easter Will Still Happen

If you are starting to despair…Easter will still happen.

Even if you don’t have:

  • jelly beans (because I ate them all thinking Instacart order would deliver 2 more bags.)
  • a ham (also because of Instacart…the substitutions without pictures of the actual items are kind of a crapshoot)
  • candy to fill the eggs (because like usual, the kids found the stash and ate it all in the last 30 days – only 26 days of which were under quarantine)
  • a mini getaway when the schools were supposed to be closed, just as the weather was starting to get warmer (because school has been closed for 4 weeks, but so has the rest of the world)
  • new shoes (we are no longer wearing shoes in the house)
  • a spring dress (because we have gained weight and wouldn’t want to buy a new “little black dress” to fit this size… we will diet when we can get out of here)

No. None of that matters.

Even if we only had pretzel sticks, buttered toast, maybe those lesser jelly beans, and some freshly popped popcorn…none of that would matter either (but, it would really make the kids smile and reminisce.)

What matters is that you still have your family, at least your immediate family all around you. Plus, now you know that you still can call, video chat or text message the others whenever you want all weekend long.

Easter will still happen as long as you have faith and you believe that it is worth celebrating – maybe this year, more than others.

~ Dawn aka Hat Girl

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